Robin Comes Out as Bisexual in DC Comics

Tim Drake, a.k.a. Robin, in 'Batman: Urban Legends' #6 | CREDIT: DC COMICS

Batman’s beloved boy wonder sidekick, Robin, has come out as bisexual in a recent issue for DC Comics, a reveal that follows an ongoing trend throughout the comic book world.

Though speculation about Robin’s sexuality has always been a part of the character’s mystique (see “Ambiguously Gay Duo“), DC has never explicitly labeled the famed sidekick as LGBTQ; that modus operandi changed this week with the latest issue of Batman: Urban Legends, wherein the character accepts an invitation to go on a date with another man named Bernard Dowd.

“Tim Drake is the DC character who fights crime as Robin, and when the sixth installment of the comic book dropped Tuesday the story ended with Tim saying yes to going on a date with a guy named Bernard Dowd,” reported TMZ. “The story goes … Robin had a ‘lightbulb moment’ while fighting side-by-side with Bernard. After coming to his rescue as Robin, Tim later hits up Bernard’s pad, and you can see the anticipation’s building ’cause he hypes himself up, saying … ‘It’s OK, Tim. You got this.'”

Urban Legends #6. Credit is Courtesy of DC Comics

Just as Bernard opens the door to ask Tim on a date, Tim abruptly says, “I’m really glad you got home okay. I was relieved. And I’ve been doing a lot of thinking, about that night. And I — I don’t know what it meant to me. Not yet. But I’d like to figure it out.”

“I was hoping you would. Tim Drake … do you want to go on a date with me?” Bernard asks.

The issue ends as Robin says yes, leaving the reader on a cliffhanger until the next installment. Members of the LGBTQ community celebrated the reveal on social media.

Robin coming out as bisexual follows an ongoing trend in the comic book world where iconic characters have been rewritten to push LGBTQ representation.

In December of last year, Marvel comic revealed that Peter Quill, a.k.a. Starlord from Guardians of the Galaxy, was a polyamorous bisexual, which followed Marvel Studio’s promise to include more LGBTQ characters in its upcoming slate of movies.

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