Mark Ruffalo Pushing for Closure of More Oil Pipelines Following Gas Shortage Caused by Colonial Pipeline Shutdown

Actor Mark Ruffalo joined Wall Street Protestors and local residents at a West Village pub
AP Photo/ Louis Lanzano

Hollywood star Mark Ruffalo, who on Friday declared “gas is over,” is pushing for the closure of more oil pipelines around the country just days after several states experienced gas shortages due to the shutdown of the Colonial Pipeline following a cyberattack.

Mark Ruffalo tweeted his message Friday, blaming former President Donald Trump for “rubber stamping” so many “risky” pipelines. He encouraged his fans to follow a campaign called “Stop Trump Pipelines,” which is pressuring the Biden administration to shut down the Enbridge Line 5 in Michigan and Wisconsin, as well as other pipeline projects.

The temporary closure of the Colonial Pipeline had far-reaching repercussions across the southeastern seaboard, with gas shortages reported in multiple states as well as Washington, D.C., which reportedly saw nearly 90 percent of pumps affected.

Numerous Hollywood celebrities have been pressuring the Biden administration to shut down more oil pipelines, citing environmental concerns and Native American rights. Stars who have protested or backed various efforts include Jane Fonda, Leonardo DiCaprio, Scarlett Johansson, Amy Schumer, Joaquin Phoenix, Alyssa Milano, Chelsea Handler, Don Cheadle, Jason Momoa, and Robert Downey, Jr.

On his first day in office, President Joe Biden signed an order shutting down the Keystone XL, killing thousands of energy-related jobs. But Biden has allowed the Dakota Access to continue operating pending an environmental review.

As Breitbart News reported, Biden administration secretary of energy Jennifer Granholm admitted during a recent press briefing on the Colonial Pipeline cyberattack that the best way to transport fuel across parts of the country is through pipelines.

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