Actor and Democrat activist Alec Baldwin says New York Governor Andrew Cuomo should resign from office if he did indeed threaten state Assemblyman Ron Kim over the Empire State’s growing nursing home scandal.

This week has seen rapidly escalating hostilities between Democrat State Assemblyman Ron Kim, and the state’s Governor Andrew Cuomo. On Monday, Kim accused Cuomo of “lying” about notifying the state legislature to an investigation of New York’s nursing homes by the Department of Justice.

Kim called for a further investigation by an independent commission, the state’s attorney general, or the federal government. “It took us almost two months before the governor decided to change,” Kim said, continuing:

In fact, a month later, at a press conference, he said he didn’t know about it. He lied. Just like he’s lying right now to today’s press conference about sending notices to the Assembly and Senate that we knew about the Department of Justice investigation. We were not informed, we were not told there was an investigation in August.

Cuomo publicly fired back, crediting Kim’s accusations to “a long and hostile relationship” between his office and Kim. But, according to Kim, Cuomo made a more personal attack in private. Kim told CNN Cuomo had threatened his career if he refused to cover for officials involved in the COVID-19 nursing home scandal.

“He tried to pressure me to issue a statement, and it was a very traumatizing experience,” Kim said, claiming Cuomo told him “we’re in this business together, and we don’t cross certain lines.” As the conversation grew more aggressive, Kim said Cuomo told him “I hadn’t seen his wrath, and that he can destroy me.”

Now, Saturday Night Live Donald Trump impersonator Alec Baldwin has thrown support behind Kim on social media. “If Cuomo threatened Ron Kim’s career, Cuomo should resign,” Baldwin tweeted Thursday morning.

The tweet comes approximately one month after Baldwin’s public exit from the social media platform, in the wake of wife Hillaria Baldwin’s “Spanish heritage” controversy. “Twitter is like a party where everyone is screaming. Not much of a party,” the actor tweeted on January 18. “Goodbye for now.” Hillaria later apologized.

Baldwin returned to the platform almost exactly a month later, criticizing the defense of disgraced filmmaker Woody Allen.