What exactly is wrong with writing and singing a protest song calling for more freedom?

Plenty, apparently, if your names are Van Morrison and Eric Clapton. Their anti-lockdown song “Stand and Deliver” — which Morrison wrote and Clapton performs — has attracted so much bile and outrage from the radical left you’d think they’d just performed a benefit gig for the Ku Klux Klan.

Watch below: 

Here is a sample of the song’s lyrics:

Do you wanna be a free man
Or do you wanna be a slave?
Do you wanna be a free man
Or do you wanna be a slave?
Do you wanna wear these chains
Until you’re lying in the grave?

I don’t wanna be a pauper
And I don’t wanna be a prince
I don’t wanna be a pauper
And I don’t wanna be a prince
I just wanna do my job
Playing the blues for friends

Sounds reasonable, no? The singer is making a plea just to be left alone so he can get on and enjoy doing what he’s good at, in this case “playing the blues for friends.”

It’s a sentiment that could have been expressed by pretty much any musician since the dawn of popular music — anyone from Robert Johnson to Jimi Hendrix to Bob Marley. Yet the hatred directed toward its creators on Twitter and elsewhere has been truly monstrous.

Here’s Vanity Fair with a cheap shot about the musicians’ age and supposed health vulnerabilities:

Here’s someone who can’t spell ‘senile’:

Here is a bad case of what psychologists call “projection.”

Here’s a girl with potty mouth issues:

And here, the icing on the cake, is an extremely unpleasant piece of work who think it is funny that Eric Clapton’s child died falling out of a window.

Yes, let’s just remind ourselves of the subject of RealYungCripp’s hilarious joke.

In 1991, Eric Clapton’s four year old son Conor fell to his death from the 53rd floor balcony of a New York apartment. It was a horrible accident, nobody’s fault — and certainly no reflection on Clapton who wasn’t even in the apartment at the time.

Yet now the angry mob on Twitter thinks it’s appropriate to drag up this personal tragedy as punishment for writing and performing a song whose sentiments are little different from virtually every rock song ever written: let me be free; I don’t want The Man ruling my life; I just want to be left alone to live my life as I please.

What’s particularly bizarre is that a lot of the hatred directed against this song comes from people of an age where, in decades past, they’d have been dressing up and growing their hair in ways that upset their parents, taking drugs, having sex, going to gigs, and generally rebelling against the Establishment.

But here we are in 2020 and it seems as though a significant portion of da yoof are actually yearning for bigger government, more regulation, fewer freedoms; and as though, furthermore, they feel so passionate about it that they’re happy to vilify, crush, and abuse in the most intemperate language anyone who stands in the way of the new tyranny.

Anyone who doesn’t find this frightening hasn’t been paying attention. 2020 is the year our freedoms were stolen from us by the technocratic, globalist elite. It’s going to get worse in 2021 but instead of resisting, the kids seem to be saying to their oppressors: “More boots in the face. And harder this time, if you wouldn’t mind, sirs!”