Watch: Biden Repeatedly Forgets When He Was Inaugurated as VP During Fundraiser with Tom Hanks

Mark Wilson; Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images
Mark Wilson; Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images

Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden was unable to recall that he was first inaugurated as vice president in 2009. Biden’s repeated brain freeze was caught on camera during a virtual fundraiser with Actor Tom Hanks on Tuesday.

The fundraiser, which was hosted by Hanks during this week’s virtual Democratic National Convention, saw Biden attempting to explain the Oscar-winner how 40 years after his work as a public defender he was inaugurated as vice president alongside President Barack Obama.

“I quit, I became a public defender. And I used to have to interview my clients down by the train station… and 40 years later to the month, January of 2018, I found myself in a circumstance where, I mean 2012, I find myself standing in the same spot I was standing 40 years earlier,” Biden. said. “And I was waiting for a black man, Tom ,to come and pick me up from Philadelphia. A guy named Barack Obama. On 17th January, to take me to Washington, a trip I’ve made a thousand of times commuting every day, to be sworn in as president and vice president.”

Biden wasn’t inaugurated in 2018 nor in 2012, with the two ceremonies actually taking place in 2009 and 2013.

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Hanks, a longtime Democratic Party supporter, is seen politely nodding along, despite Biden’s lack of coherence.

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The error was merely the latest in a growing list of audible misstatements from the presidential hopeful. Some of his most recent flubs include forgetting that we are currently living in the year 2020, claiming 600,000 people have died from the coronavirus, and describing himself as a candidate for the United States Senate.

A poll released back in June found a majority of voters now believe Biden is “in the early stages of dementia.

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