The Disney Channel’s animated series The Owl House features what is believed to be Disney’s first bisexual lead character. Show creator Dana Terrace revealed that Disney executives initially didn’t want a bisexual or gay character on the channel, but said they later changed their minds.
The Owl House, which debuted in January on the kid-oriented cable channel, is a supernatural animated series about a 14-year-old Dominican-American girl, Luz Noceda who embarks on a series of magical adventures as she becomes a witch. A recent episode revealed Luz’s sexuality when she dances with another female character, Amity, during a prom sequence.
Dana Terrace said that she wanted to create a character who reflected her own sexuality. “I’m bi! I want to write a bi character, dammit! Luckily my stubbornness paid off and now I am VERY supported by current Disney leadership,” she tweeted.
Terrace said she met resistance at first. “When we were greenlit I was told by certain Disney leadership that I could NOT represent any form of bi or gay relationship on the Channel,” she said.
Terrace added: “Representation matters! Always fight to make what YOU want to see! As OH [Owl House] continues I can’t wait to explore things that are important to me and my crew. Looking forward to the next chapter.”
Pixar introduced its first gay character in March in the animated movie Onward, with a lesbian police officer who is voiced by actress-writer Lena Waithe.
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