Holding back tears, actor Ashton Kutcher said in an emotional video that people saying “All Lives Matter” as pushback against the phrase “Black Lives Matter” need to be educated on race relations rather than canceled or attacked.
“So on Saturday I posted a blackout of my social media channels, and just posted ‘BLM.’ And a lot of folks responded ‘All Lives Matter.’ And I want to talk about that a little bit, because I don’t think that the people that are posting ‘All Lives Matter’ should be canceled. I think they should be educated,” Kutcher said at the start of the video message to his 17 million followers.
The Ranch star went on to recount a “poignant experience” he had while reading his son bedtime stories with his wife, actress Mila Kunis. “We all agree all lives matter,” he said. “But I had a really poignant experience tonight when I was putting my kids down to bed that lent the words for why black lives matter.”
Watch below:
Kutcher explained:
And tonight, as we were reading her book, my son says, ‘Wait, why don’t I get to go first?’ And Mila said, ‘Because girls go first.’ And he said, ‘Yeah, but boys go first.’ And I looked at him and I said, ‘No, girls go first.’ And I said, ‘You know why girls go first? For you and me, girls go first. And the reason why is, for some boys, girls don’t get a go at all. And so for you and me, girls go first.’
So when it comes to Black Lives Matter, I think what folks that are writing ‘All Lives Matter’ need to understand is that for some people…black lives don’t matter at all. So for us, black lives matter. So, while you may have the best intentions in saying, ‘All Lives Matter,’ remember: For some people, black lives don’t matter at all.
A committed progressive activist, Kutcher is one of the countless Hollywood celebrities to weigh in on the ongoing debate surrounding race relations in America, with nationwide riots wreaking havoc across the country following the death of Minneapolis man George Floyd in police custody.
Many of those celebrities such as Steve Carell, Seth Rogen, Drake, John Legend, and Patton Oswalt others have already announced significant donations to the Minnesota Freedom Fund, an organization whose helps bail out protesters involved in the ongoing nationwide riots.
Follow Ben Kew on Facebook, Twitter at @ben_kew, or email him at bkew@breitbart.com.