Appearing Wednesday on CBS News, network legal analyst and attorney Rikki Klieman predicted convicted rapist and disgraced Hollywood movie mogul Harvey Weinstein is all but certain to die in prison.
A transcript is as follows:
RIKKI KLIEMAN: 23 years is one of the most extraordinarily long sentences and it may have not made any difference in the end. Harvey Weinstein, whether it is 10 years or 23 years, is going to die in prison
VLADIMIR DUTHIERS: The judge, as you pointed out, had the ability to sentence Mr. Weinstein to as little as five years or as much as 29 years. Why 23?
KLIEMAN: I can’t give you an answer for that. He has a right on two counts. One if a four-year count and one is a five to 25-year count. He has a right to consider various factors and to come up with a number. I can’t get into his head to know why it’s 23, better than 20, or rather than 29. But he obviously had a reason.