FCC Hit with More Than 1,300 Complaints About J-Lo, Shakira Super Bowl Halftime Show

Video Source: FOX Sports

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) reports having received more than 1,300 complaints about the raunchy Super Bowl halftime show last month featuring pop stars Jennifer Lopez and Shakira.

Through a Freedom of Information Act request, Dallas-based WFAA TV obtained copies of 1,312 complaints filed with the Federal Communications Commission. The complaints came from all 50 states, with most complaining about the scantily clad and sexually suggestive show.

“Jennifer Lopez’s performance at the Super Bowl halftime show was extremely explicit and completely unacceptable for an event where families including children are watching,” a viewer from Utah wrote the FCC.

Others complained about “Extreme booty shaking,” “pole dancing,” and “S&M outfits” seen during the show.

“Why is it okay for these entertainers, J-Lo and Shakira to prance around grabbing their genitals on national television? I don’t want my kids imitating that behavior. Do you guys really condone this crap?” a resident from Arkansas wrote.

Another common accusation is that the show was “soft core porn.”

“The show was not appropriate for a general audience. It was sexually explicit and would have been considered soft porn not many years ago,” a Wyoming viewer wrote.

“Jennifer Lopez showing her crotch and rubbing at it suggestively. Shakira showing her crotch. It would be nice if costumes and dance moves were family appropriate during football games,” a Pennsylvanian wrote.

“As a father of 2 teen girls, I feel obligated, at this point, to file a complaint as I am at my wits end. That “show” should have been reserved for late night cable TV … As a society, we are talking out of both sides of our mouths and confusing kids. We need to do better, much MUCH better. Please help put a stop this disgraceful type of behavior being pushed on our children,” wrote a man from Maine.

The Associated Press reported that more than 104 million viewers watched the Super Bowl halftime show this year.

The FCC is no stranger to complaints about Super Bowl halftime shows. The agency received more than 200,000 complaints in 2004 when Janet Jackson had a live “wardrobe malfunction” that revealed her breast on stage.

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