Rap and fashion mogul Kanye West told parishioners at Joel Osteen’s Houston megachurch on Sunday that he’s no longer in the service of fame and money but “in service to God.”
“Jesus has won the victory because now the greatest artist that God has ever created is working for him,” Kanye West said on Sunday to the over 17,000 in attendance and the millions watching on livestream.
West spoke to a packed crowd of about 16,000 people during Lakewood Church’s 11 a.m. service on Sunday. During a 20-minute interview on the church’s stage with Osteen, West talked about his recent conversion to Christianity and how God has been inspiring him.
“I know that God’s been calling me for a long time and the Devil’s been distracting me for a long time,” West explained. “When I was in my lowest point, God was there with me.”
West also explained how one of the songs on his new number one Gospel album, Jesus Is King, is about “protecting your kids from the indoctrination of the media.”
“The thousands and thousands of images that are fed to children by the age of six or seven and within those images there are images mixed in that we don’t know about as parents that are purposely mixed in to lower the kids super power and esteem so that they can be more susceptible to consumption and feel that they need to consume and become a part of the robotic numeric system that controls so many so much of the media,” West said.
The on stage Q&A ended with West delivering a prayer. West is set to perform later on Sunday evening at Lakewood with his concert-style “Sunday Service” performance.
The Associated Press contributed to this article.
Jerome Hudson is Breitbart News Entertainment Editor and author of the bestselling book 50 Things They Don’t Want You to Know. Order your copy today. Follow Jerome Hudson on Twitter @jeromeehudson.