Star Wars actor Mark Hamill attacked Ivanka Trump and her family after the White House senior advisor and daughter of President Donald Trump tweeted a photo declaring that the “force is strong in my family.”

“The Force is strong in my family,” Ivanka wrote, accompanied by a family photo in which their 3-year-old son Theodore is seen wearing a Stormtrooper costume.

The family’s obvious appreciation for the space-opera franchise was quickly belittled by its star Hamill, who used the opportunity to attack her father, President Trump.

“You misspelled ‘Fraud.’ #GoForceYourself,” said Mark Hamill, who plays Jedi Master Luke Skywalker in the famous franchise, most recently appearing in the 2017 installment The Last Jedi.

It’s not the first time that Hamill, who is an outspoken progressive and supporter of the Democratic Party, has used the Star Wars franchise to attack the Trump family. Last year, the 68-year-old insisted that Trump was worse than Darth Vader, the iconic villain who plays Luke’s father in the series, because the latter eventually “saw the errors of his ways.”

“Listen, I really get upset when people compare [Trump] or even [former Vice President] Dick Cheney to Darth Vader because Darth Vader repented,” Hamill said in a podcast hosted by The Washington Post. “He saw the error of his ways. I don’t see either one of them doing that.”

Hamill has described Trump as both a coward and a traitor, while also warning that his cabinet is full of “really despicable people.”

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