Pop star and celebrity activist Cher informed her social media followers Tuesday that only white people, members of President Donald Trump’s family, and people in MAGA hats are “safe in Trump’s America.”
“No One Is Really Safe In trump’s America Unless They’re MEMBER OF MAR-A-LAGO, LIVE IN trump TOWER,WHITE, OR WEARS MAGA HAT,” Cher said.
“My Amazing Trans Son Is Kind,Smart,Strong Loving, Talented,&Patriotic American. trump “Judges NO ONE By The The Content Of Their Character.”
This post was in response to the Supreme Court’s announcement Tuesday that it would uphold President Trump’s ban on transgender military members.
Comedian Sarah Silverman also joined in the Hollywood hate train against the SCOTUS decision, saying, “our trans military are heroes like the rest — more so —because they have to deal with this shit from people whose lives & way of life they are protecting.”
That wasn’t all Cher had to say Tuesday. She also slammed Trump for the government shutdown.
“Shutdown draws domestic violence shelters to the brink, imperiling life-or-death services for women
Is death worth a wall[?].”
“I’m Just Asking. I Wish trump would Be Tared,Feathered,& Run Out Of DC On a Rail,” the Moonstruck star added.
Earlier this month, the 72-year-old fantasized about Trump’s cabinet members going to prison.
“These White Men Sat Around a Table,& Stared Breathlessly at trump like he was going To Donate a Kidney To One Of Them. I CANT WAIT TILL THEY ALL GO 2 JAIL,” she said.