Rob Reiner: Democrat Congress will Rid Us of This ‘Lying Malignant Narcissistic Cancer’

Director/producer Rob Reiner arrives at the premiere of Electric Entertainment's &#03
Kevin Winter/Getty Images

Hollywood film director and far-left social media personality Rob Reiner expressed hope Wednesday that the incoming Congress will bring “accountability” to government and predicted the country “will be rid of this lying malignant narcissistic cancer” — a veiled reference to President Donald Trump.

“Where to begin. The corruption & criminality is overwhelming,” Rob Reiner said. “But starting tomorrow finally there will be accountability. And when the dust settles, we will be rid of this lying malignant narcissistic cancer. Happy New Year.”

Reiner, among Hollywood’s most vocal critics of President Trump, frequently calls for the president to be removed from office and criminally charged, citing purported collusion between the Russian government and the Trump campaign – evidence of which, special counsel Robert Mueller has yet to reveal despite his nearly two-year investigation into the matter.

The All in the Family star even made his New Year’s resolution in 2019 to “Get him [Trump] the fuck out of the White House.”

According to Axios, the Democrats, who will hold a majority in the House come Thursday, are considering targeting 85 Trump-related “subjects,” which includes investigations and possible subpoenas into the firing of former FBI Director James Comey and the president’s tax returns.

The 85 subject targets — referred to as the “Democratic hit list” will be looked into in phases. Incoming House intelligence chair Adam Schiff (D-CA) told Axios that House panels will employ separate strategies regarding their inquiries into the president. Further, Schiff told Axios that Democrats could probe President Trump’s behavior toward the press, stating “It is very squarely within our responsibility to find out” whether the White House is attempting to harm CNN and the Washington Post — arguably two media outlets most critical of the Trump presidency — using “instruments of state power.”


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