Celebrities Hit the Streets to Support Student Gun Control March: ‘Vote Them All Out’


Several celebrities took to social media and hit the streets to join the student activists and others who marched in Washington, DC, and in other cities across the country in support of gun control.

Left-wing actor Jim Carrey tweeted art of the Parkland student activists for gun control, captioning the tweet with a demand that lawmakers “stop taking NRA blood money.”

“Today our nation’s youth are demanding their basic human right to go to school without dying in the name of greed. It’s time for Congress to act like adults worthy of their office. PASS TOUGHER GUN LAWS! BAN THE AR-15! STOP TAKING NRA BLOOD MONEY! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! #neveragain,” the Dumb and Dumber star wrote.

Several celebrities, including Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Michael Moore, and Debra Messing showed support for the student activist. Some Hollywood heavyweights, like George Clooney and Steven Spielberg — who both pledged $500,000 to Saturday’s event — hit the streets with protesters, while a bevy of singers and other entertainers followed suit.

“I’ll always stand for open dialogue and action – it’s the only way to ensure bad history doesn’t repeat itself,” Johnson wrote on Twitter. “When it comes to protecting our children, all bets are off and the responsibility lies with us adults and lawmakers to listen and do. Very strong day.”

Below is a round up of social media posts showing the celebrity presence at Saturday’s student march for gun control.

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These mommas demand action. #MarchForOurLives

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