Rose McGowan Rips Alyssa Milano: ‘I Don’t Like Her. … She’s a Lie’
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Rose McGowan told Nightline that she does “not like” her former co-star Alyssa Milano because “she’s a lie.”

Speaking to ABC’s Juju Chang while promoting her new memoir Brave, McGowan talked extensively about several Hollywood titans, including Harvey Weinstein, who she has accused of raping her (a charge he is currently pushing back against), and Meryl Streep, who she has also described as “a lie.” But it is what McGowan said about her former Charmed co-star that raised the most eyebrows.

McGowan did not volunteer her opinion of the 44-year-old Milano. Chang practically had to drag it out of her, but once she did, McGowan held nothing back.

Chang: Your former Charmed co-star Alyssa Milano gets a lot of credit for helping #MeToo go viral.

McGowan: So.

[awkward pause]

Chang: Are you proud of her?

McGowan: I don’t like her.

Chang: Why?

McGowan: ‘Cause I think she’s a lie.

Chang: Why?

McGowan: Do you think I don’t know these people? I’m not looking at this from the outside. … I know she’s married to a CAA agent. Do the math. Who’s behind #TimesUp? CAA. Where do they meet? CAA. Who needs good PR? CAA. Who are part of the pimp problem? CAA.

CAA did not respond to a comment request from ABC News. Milano sent a statement of support and love to McGowan.

CAA is Creative Artists Agency, one of the most powerful talent agencies and overall institutions in show business. Milano has been married to Dave Bugliari since 2009, and he is a CAA agent.

For obvious reasons (access, favors) the entertainment media have been playing down the dirt dug up on CAA,  but McGowan’s accusation that CAA “are part of the pimp problem,” which means one of the institutions setting up vulnerable young women to be exploited by powerful men, is not without foundation.

Late last year, the New York Times reported that CAA was a big part of what they called the “Weinstein Complicity Machine.”

[A]t least eight CAA agents or staffers were informed that the now-disgraced producer had sexually harassed or assaulted clients there, but failed to act on the information.

Instead, the paper reported, the agency continued to send its clients for private meetings with the producer.

The paper also reported that CAA managing partner Bryan Lourd had attempted to set up a meeting between Weinstein and agency client Ronan Farrow, after the former learned the latter was working on a potentially damaging story about his behavior.

Back in November, actress Demi Mann filed suit against CAA and her former agent, Cameron Mitchell, alleging she was sexually harassed and assaulted over a period of years while being promised roles.

McGowan also responded to Streep’s denial that she knew anything about Weinstein’s alleged predations, a denial many find implausible and self-serving. “Maybe she didn’t know. Maybe she lives in such a rarefied ether that she did not know,” McGowan said. “Maybe she lives in such a perfect world that she didn’t have to. But that’s not my world.”


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