Singer Rosanne Cash: ‘NRA Funds Domestic Terrorism’

Rosanne Cash speaks at The Nashville Songwriters Hall of Fame Dinner and Induction Ceremon
Wade Payne/Invision/AP

Following the heinous attack on innocents at a concert venue in Las Vegas this week, musician Rosanne Cash penned a New York Times op-ed in which she claimed that “the NRA funds domestic terrorism.”

She asked country artists to break away from the civil rights organization–regardless of country music fans’ opinions–and suggested any loss in ticket sales would be worth the act of standing against the National Rifle Association.

In her appeal to country artists, Cash rambled off the same baseless, anti-gun rhetoric Hillary Clinton and others used.

For example, she touched on the Hearing Protection Act, an act which would eliminate many aspects of the cumbersome process law-abiding citizens currently have to endure to acquire a suppressor. The act would also remove the federal tax that citizens have to pay on any suppressor they buy.

Cash opined:

If [the Hearing Protection Act] has passed before the mass shooting in Las Vegas, and the rifles in the assailant’s room had been fitted with silencers, one could safely assume that the death toll would be much, much higher. Those who ran from the concert and survived did so because they heard the sound of gunfire. None of that matters to the NRA.

Cash’s use of the word “silencers” is another giveaway of her political convictions, as that is the word leftists use to describe suppressors. The word gives people the idea that suppressors completely silence firearms, like they do in Hollywood films. In reality, suppressors merely manage the sound by reducing the initial, ear-damaging sound wave that occurs when a round is fired. The gunshot itself is still audible.

Despite this–and despite the gunman’s high, concealed position being one of his greatest advantages–Cash pushed on, blaming the NRA and urging country artists to rally against the organization. She even told country artists that the NRA poses “a threat” to them via the legislation it supports. And she suggested this “threat” extends to “concerts and festivals.”

At least one other country artist has expressed openness to anti-gun arguments in the wake of the Vegas attack, Caleb Keeter, guitarist for the Josh Abbott Band. Breitbart News reported that Keeter responded to the attack by apologizing for his previous support for the Second Amendment and demanding gun control “right now.”

AWR Hawkins is the Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and host of Bullets with AWR Hawkins, a Breitbart News podcast. He is also the political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at


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