During his Saturday night HBO show, left-wing scold John Oliver lied to his audience with the claim that President Trump disrespected the U.S. flag by rubbing it against his “old boner.”
Oliver, who was bitterly angry over the fact that a sitting president would dare defend the American flag and anthem against a bunch of crybabies in the NFL, just flat out lied with this claim.
“OK, putting aside the free-speech implications there,” Oliver snarked, “how is kneeling in front of a flag more disrespectful to it than grinding it against your gnarled old boner?”
According to the Daily Beast, Oliver then flashed a screenshot of Trump’s hugging the flag during a rally on October 24.
Well, putting aside Oliver’s being intentionally disingenuous with the claim that there is no disrespect meant in not standing for the national anthem, the HBO star knows full well that Trump is guilty only of affectionately hugging Old Glory.
See for yourself. Here is the clip from that specific rally:
Only John Oliver and his ilk are made to feel dirty over an innocent, affectionate hug of the Star and Stripes.
Only John Oliver and his ilk would at the same time defend spoiled millionaires, who work only 16 days a year, trashing our flag and anthem.
And only John Oliver and his ilk would defend an NFL that outlaws every single form of personal expression–except trashing America.
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