HBO Social Media Accounts Hacked in Latest Security Breach

Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images

HBO ran into hacking trouble yet again Wednesday night when a mysterious hacking group briefly took over the premium cable network’s official Facebook and Twitter accounts.

“Hi, OurMine are here, we are just testing your security, HBO team please contact us to upgrade the security,” the hacking group OurMine wrote in a message from the network’s Game of Thrones Twitter account, adding “Let’s make #HBOHacked trending!”


The group also breached the Twitter accounts of late-night show Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, while hit shows Ballers and Veep were affected, as was HBO’s official Facebook page.

The network reportedly regained control of the social media accounts in under an hour and deleted the tweets. HBO told NBC News that it is investigating the latest data breach.

Last year, OurMine made headlines after hacking Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and LinkedIn accounts.

August has been a tough month for HBO as the network has faced leaks of unaired episodes and executive’s emails stemming from a massive cyber attack. On Tuesday, the network accidentally aired the latest episode of his massively popular hit series Game of Thrones ahead of its scheduled Sunday release date, while earlier this month, the fourth episode from the seventh season of the show was leaked online ahead of its Sunday premiere.

HBO is still struggling to contain the fallout following a data breach to its cyber security systems earlier this month, in which hackers stole “proprietary information” and a reported 1.5 terabytes of data.


Follow Jerome Hudson on Twitter @jeromeehudson


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