Actor Josh Duhamel is the latest Hollywood star to open up about why he doesn’t use his celebrity platform to push politics.

In a recent interview with Fox News, the Transformers: The Last Knight star said “I don’t necessary think it’s important to tell people how to vote.”

“That’s one thing I don’t do. I don’t like to get involved politically at all. Nobody cares what I think politically,” Duhamel said.

The 2016 presidential election cycle saw scores of celebrities starring in get-out-the-vote videos, hitting the campaign trail, and taking to social media to persuade the American electorate to vote for their preferred candidate.

Liberal Hollywood elites have spent months pouring their money and manpower into documentary filmmaker-turned-politician John Ossoff’s bid to win a Georgia Congressional race. In April, President Donald Trump called the upcoming June 20 runoff election between Ossoff and his Republican candidate, Karen Handel, “Hollywood VS Georgia.”

Last year actor Mark Wahlberg said “out of touch” celebrities should keep their political opinions to themselves. And KISS frontman Gene Simmons shared a similar sentiment, saying “I think celebrities should basically shut their pie holes and do what they do best — act, sing, tap dance, juggle balls, and all that kind of stuff.”

Duhamel appeared to agree with that sentiment, and added that celebrities are “misinformed” if they believe people actually care about their political opinions.

“Anybody in entertainment who thinks people care what they think politically are really misinformed,” he said. “That’s one thing I stay away from. I stay away from politics because nobody cares what I think.”

Duhamel is set to star in Michael Bay’s latest installment of Transformers. The film also stars Mark Wahlberg, Anthony Hopkins, and John Goodman and hits theaters June 23.


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