John Leguizamo: ‘Jeff Sessions Should Never Be Attorney General’


In a guest column for Hollywood trade publication Variety, actor John Leguizamo lays out the reasons why he believes President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee for U.S. Attorney General, Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), should not be confirmed for the post.

From Variety:

Last Wednesday the U.S. Senate held four confirmation hearings on Donald Trump’s cabinet nominees. It also scheduled his long-anticipated press conference — largely devoted to Trump’s … intimate relationship with Russia — and a critical vote on the Affordable Care Act budget.

Sometimes we, as progressives, aren’t able to be laser-focused because we acknowledge complexity — we address the intersections and breadth of policies and positions. Sometimes, perhaps we try to do too much.

So let me be perfectly clear: Sen. Jeff Sessions should never be attorney general of the United States.

While the Senate Judiciary Committee held hearings on Sessions’ nomination, around Capitol Hill other committees moved forward on a host of other outrageous nominees. The American public may never hear about the number of serious conflicts each of these nominees pose — to our democracy, to our rights — because there is simply too much to process.

Read Leguizamo’s full column at Variety.


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