Fail: Elizabeth Banks Falls Flat Trying to Mock Trump Entrance at DNC

Aaron P. Bernstein/Getty Images

Actress Elizabeth Banks mocked Donald Trump’s entrance from last week’s Republican National Convention by striding onstage to the tune of Queen’s “We Are the Champions” while making her own entrance at the Democratic National Convention on Tuesday.

The 42-year-old Pitch Perfect actress-director served as official “host” for the second night of the DNC.

“You know, I don’t usually say this about Donald Trump, but that was over the top. I confirmed it just now,” Banks said as she took the podium. “The Trump campaign is so hard up for money I just bought their fog machine on eBay for 30 bucks. I don’t feel good about it.”

Banks’s entrance mirrored Trump’s first appearance at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland last week, when he came onstage to the same song.

Queen’s official Twitter account later said the song’s use at the RNC was “unauthorized.” The band didn’t immediately comment on the song’s usage at the DNC.

“I’m Elizabeth Banks,” the actress continued. “Some of you know me from The Hunger Games, in which I play Effie Trinket, a cruel, out of touch reality TV star who wears insane wigs while delivering long-winded speeches to a violent dystopia. So when I tuned in to Cleveland last week, I was like, ‘Uh, hey, that’s my act.'”

Banks was clearly enjoying herself at the convention on Tuesday, posting pictures from the floor of the Wells Fargo arena to her Twitter account throughout the day.

Banks is one of several female celebrities scheduled to appear at the convention on Tuesday. Actresses Debra Messing, America Ferrera, Lena Dunham and Meryl Streep were all set to speak, while pop star Alicia Keys was scheduled to close out the evening with a musical performance.

Earlier in the day, actress Ashley Judd was spotted outside the convention, marching in a Black Lives Matter protest.


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