WATCH: Actor Keanu Reeves Shreds Targets Shooting 3-Gun

Actor Keanu Reeves Shreds Targets Shooting 3-Gun
Taran Tactical/YouTube

A video of actor Keanu Reeves (Matrix, John Wick) has emerged that shows Reeves shifting between three guns — an AR-15, a shotgun, and a handgun — to literally shred targets downrange.

The shooting configuration — commonly called 3-gun — requires a considerable degree of shooting skill and practice in order to be done with efficiency and accuracy. Moreover, it involves the pressure of being timed while transitioning between the three weapons, shooting targets throughout.

The video was posted by Taran Tactical Innovations:

According to Conservative Outfitters, Reeves is reportedly honing as 3-gun skills as part of his training “for the sequel to the movie John Wick.”

The NRA’s America’s 1st Freedom reports that 3-gun is, in fact, “the fastest growing shooting sport in the nation.” Moreover, it is not a sport popular with men only, but is increasingly popular with women and youth as well. The 3-Gun Nationals include competitions for women and youth, along with “a female only prize.”

AWR Hawkins is the Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at


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