Following President Obama’s “Guns in America” CNN town hall yesterday, actress Julianne Moore emailed supporters to praise Obama’s new executive gun controls and call for Congress to enact more gun control laws now.

She said gun control proponents “finally got what [they’ve] demanded for so long,” and now they want more.

Moore wrote, “President Obama’s new executive actions will help reduce the gun violence that kills 88 American every day. These are meaningful actions and the President is doing his part, but there’s more work to do.” She then indicated that Organizing For Action and other gun control groups are ready to begin a new push for more controls.

Moore explained:

We have to continue pressing Congress and state legislatures across the country to act on common-sense legislation that protects our families. I know we can do this. In fact, we did the same thing around auto fatalities with sensible seatbelt laws that save lives. And we can tackle gun violence with smart and effective gun safety laws.

Ironically, Moore was saying the exact same things before Obama used executive actions to impose more gun control on law-abiding citizens.

On October 28, Moore wrote in a op-ed at the Huffington Post:

Many of us remember driving around without seatbelts or when driving drunk wasn’t taboo. Mothers Against Drunk Driving and other groups teamed up with legislators and, together, they made it unacceptable and illegal to drive drunk or without buckling up. As a result, countless lives have been saved.

While we have made dramatic progress in states and cities across the country, we still haven’t done for gun safety what we’ve done for auto safety. The problem comes down to a powerful but calcified gun lobby that is out of step with its own constituents of gun owners and with the American people.

So, on the one hand, Moore is thrilled that Obama acted unilaterally to do what the gun control lobby wanted. But on the other, nothing has changed, and she wants more gun control right now–and she is recycling the same arguments to keep the push alive.

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