Celebrities used social media to show their support for the controversial abortion provider Planned Parenthood just hours after a shooting on Friday at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Using the tags #StandwithPP and #PlannedParenthood, stars including John Legend, Chrissy Teigen, Kerry Washington, and Kathy Griffin all tweeted messages of encouragement.

Teigen’s husband, singer John Legend, retweeted the message. Legend also shared a post by Cosmo‘s Zerlina Maxwell, which reads, “Shooter should face justice but man it’s like a punch in the gut to think about black lives lost for crimes like: loose cigarettes… walking.”

Teigen also shared a link to Planned Parenthood’s online donation page.

Director Michael Moore also weighed in on the incident. In addition to sharing a link to donate to Planned Parenthood, Moore shared his thoughts on why the alleged shooter, 57-year-old Robert Lewis Dear, was not shot and killed by police.

Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton also weighed in on the shooting:

Clinton’s tweet was shared by actress Elizabeth Banks.

Actor Mark Ruffalo also retweeted this message by Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders:

Sanders then blasted “bitter rhetoric” against the abortion provider that had “unintended consequences”:

Feminist blogger Jessica Valenti quibbled with Sanders’ use of the word “unintended”: