Featured on this week’s episode of the British documentary series My Transgender Kids, a seven-year-old boy, who identifies as a girl, sits down with his supportive family to discuss his gender identity.
Lorna McGuire, a 42-year-old mother of eight from Leicester, England and her husband, Paddy, sat down sat down with the U.K.’s Channel 4 during an Oct. 6 feature about their son, who first began identifying as a girl at age 2, and wishes to live his life as a female.
“He still goes to school as a boy although his classmates realize he’s the girliest boy in the class,” Paddy says of the child, who is also named Paddy, according to The Daily Mail. “He’s one of the girliest children in the class.”
According to Lorna and her husband, little Paddy was just a toddler when they first took notice of his liking for dolls and feminine books.
Now 7, younger Paddy has a wardrobe laden with pink shirts, sparkly dresses and other sequined items, which mom and dad are wholly supportive of.
“I suppose you going from girl to boy is very much like you going from 7 to 8, you’ll still be you and you’ll still be the same,” says the elder Paddy in the clip below.
“I was never a boy,” little Paddy responds.“Actually, I don’t want to be a girl, I AM a girl. I just don’t want people to make fun of me.”
“You’re just the gender that you are. You’re that gender,” the young boy concludes. “I wish everyone was a girl.”
The elder Paddy says his son’s peers have been accepting, and adds, “I don’t know why the grown-ups can’t be more that way.”
Watch a clip of Tuesday’s My Transgender Kids below:
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