On July 1, Breitbart News reported Kim Kardashian’s admission that she is not really “a gun person.” That admission was followed by a push for gun control.
According to Mail Online, she responded to the shooting at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church by saying the U.S. needs “stricter legislation to prevent mass shootings.”
On August 12, Gossip Cop reported the same Kardashian—who is still not “a gun person”—pushed gun control again. This time she was responding to the actions of a man—David Conley—who confessed to allegedly killing his ex-girlfriend and her children in Houston, including one child who was his own. The New York Daily News reported that Conley “allegedly killed the children and [his ex-girlfriend’s] husband while [his ex-girlfriend] was still alive, handcuffed to the bed.”
Police say Conley confessed to planning the murders days before he allegedly carried them out and that he bought a handgun, ammunition magazines, and handcuffs to fasten the victims.
The Daily Mail reports that Conley’s criminal record began in 1988 and continued with charges “as recent as last month.” Charges through the years have included “aggravated assault” and “retalliation,” with claims that he held a knife to the throat of one girlfriend and allegedly assaulted another in an unspecified manner. Conley “was sentenced to five years in prison for retaliation.”
Kardashian’s solution for a man of such alleged violence? More gun control for law-abiding citizens—and Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America calls her “tough” for saying so.
Kardashian is seizing on reports that Conley bought his gun “online”—although those reports have yet to explain exactly what that means (i.e., does it mean he met someone online who agreed to meet him and sell him a gun, thus using the black market to get around gun controls?). Ironically, when Kardashian pushed gun control after the Charleston church attack, she was pushing gun control for someone who had complied with all gun controls and passed a background check in a gun store, so there really is no rhyme or reason to what she is doing.
If you really want to be “tough,” then take a stand for getting violent people off the street. There is nothing “tough” about leaving them loose in society, then immediately responding to their heinous acts by trying to heave new gun controls on the backs of law-abiding citizens.
Follow AWR Hawkins on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at awrhawkins@breitbart.com.