Pop singer Demi Lovato headlined Major League Baseball’s All Star Concert at Great American Ball Park in Cincinnati, Ohio last Saturday, and many are asking the question: Did she throw some shade at Ariana Grande?

Grande was slated to perform, but was replaced by Lovato days after she was caught on tape saying she “hates Americans” and “hates America” while licking doughnuts at a SOCAL bakery.

Grande cited her reason for missing the all star show was due to “emergency oral surgery,” but many speculate she canceled because of the controversy surrounding what is now being referred to as “doughtnutgate.”

Just before Lavato’s performance at the patriotic event last weekend, the singer announced she was proud to be an American before serenading the crowd with a special tribute to our nation, called “Made in the U.S.A.”

“I know it’s a little past Fourth of July, but how many of you guys are proud to be an American?” said Lovato.

The 22-year-old singer has since denied claims she took aim at Grande for her anti-American remarks, but fans are still accusing her of dissing Grande.

Watch: Demi Lovato performs “Made in the U.S.A. at MLB’s 2015 All Star Game