Cate Blanchett Spanks Reporter: ‘That’s Your F**KING Question?’

Cate Blanchett as the wicked stepmother in Cinderella Disney

During a recent promotional interview for the latest Cinderella film, Oscar winning actress Cate Blanchett lost her patience with a reporter who asked her a series of awkward questions.

Channel Ten’s Jonathan Hyla first poked fun at Blanchett’s taste in alcohol and told her he had planned on bringing a six pack of beer to the interview.

“You seem like the type of person that we should just crack open a beer and just have a chat,” says Hyla to Blanchett. The unamused actress, who plays the evil stepmother in the film, responded: “This date is not going well, I do not drink beer.”

The pair finally agreed to “start over” by reintroducing themselves with a high five, and that’s where things took a turn for the worst.

Hyla proceeded to ask the starlet how she wrangled a cat on a leash in the flick. “I tried to put my girlfriend’s cat on a leash, and it just never works for me,” he said.  Blanchett had hit her boiling point, and stated: “Seriously, that’s your f**king question?”

Hyla later took to Instagram to discuss the interview and seemed to be enjoying himself.

“Thanks to my new favorite person Cate Blanchett for what might have been the best worst interview I’ve ever done,” he said. Before tagging: #WhyDoTheyLetMeInterviewOscarWinners

Watch: Cate Blanchett Snap on Channel Ten Reporter


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