Child star and former heartthrob Andrew Keegan, best known for his role in 10 Things I Hate About You, has started his own religion in Venice, California, called Full Circle. 

Full Circle, which has been described as “advanced spiritualism,” was started by Keegan after he and some friends were attacked on Venice Beach in 2011. 

The incident reportedly happened in close proximity to the earthquake and subsequent tsunami in Japan. 

The actor said after those events that he began to see an odd series of occurrences, which led him to start Full Circle. 

“Synchronicity. Time. That’s what it’s all about,” Keegan told Vice. “Whatever, the past, some other time. It’s a circle; in the center is now. That’s what it’s about.” 

Keegan spoke about his experience, and his mission:

I had a moment where I was looking at a streetlamp, and it exploded. 

That was a weird coincidence. At a ceremony, a heart-shaped rose quartz crystal was on the altar, and synchronistically, this whole thing happened. It’s a long story, but basically the crystal jumped off the altar and skipped on camera. That was weird.

The mission is to take the war out of our story, which is essentially peace but activated peace.

The official Full Circle website describes Keegan’s religion as a nondenominational and nonprofit community center. 

A message on the site reads:

Full Circle Venice is a non-denominational non-profit community-based center located in the heart of Venice, CA, known for its diversity, open-mindedness, and creativity. 

We offer an experiential environment where people can creatively expand their social relations and connect with other members of their community. 

We do this through live performances, art exhibits, film screenings, yoga and dance classes, workshops, forums and other special events.

Full Circle began occupying a vacant building near Gold’s Gym in May and now has several members, with a full staff pictured on its website. 

“We are here to create an environment where people can be themselves and express their creativity within their community,” the website read. They also produced a video explaining Full Circle:

A Twitter search for the new “church” garnered interest from some users, but most posters didn’t seem too receptive of the idea.

“No, no. Full Circle isn’t pensive,” Andrew Keegan gushes, his pupils fully dilated and brimming with psychosis, “it’s *thoughtful*.”

— Kathryn Guess (@neptunesnachos) December 4, 2014

Hot Douche from 10 Things I Hate About You started his own religion because exploding street lamps and tsunamis(?)

— frosty the snowmat (@matwhi) August 18, 2014

@keegan_drew @FullCircleVB Congrats. You started Buddhism again. Did you not consider maybe starting a charity instead?

— Jason Watkins (@JPantsdotcom) December 6, 2014