Legendary actor Jon Voight is fed up with President Obama and his use of executive privileges. The film veteran is up in arms and thinks you should be, too.
It took the commander-in-chief several weeks to respond to the Veteran’s Health Administration scandal, which broke out in April. Not once did he threaten to use executive force to push for VA reform, yet we’ve seen his aggressive approach to immigration amnesty.
The President, now more than ever, is committed to bypassing congress to reward amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants. This, as an estimated 22 veterans of the United States Armed Forces take their own lives every day. Obama’s concerns for the issues that affect everyday Americans seem to lie elsewhere.
“Their rates are astronomically high and climbing,” said Jan Kemp, VA’s National Mental Health Director for Suicide Prevention. “That’s concerning to us.”
The President says he believes in American exceptionalism with every fiber of his being, but many, including Jon Voight, do not agree.
Voight had this to say about President Obama, via Washington Times:
Today is Veteran’s Day. We honor all our living and fallen heroes – thousands of young men who sacrificed their lives so we can live as free men. One of our own young Marines, Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi, was just released from a Mexican prison after long tortuous months, and we just found out from his own words during a Greta Van Susteran interview that he tried to kill himself with a broken light bulb that he plunged into his neck hoping to die, as to not endure his torture any longer.
Needless to say, his incarceration was a total lie. He was totally innocent. President Obama has released known terrorist murderers in a trade for an American soldier who was believed to be a deserter.
He wants to legalize all the illegal Mexicans, and every other illegal immigrant from other countries as well. Why? For their vote, for the 2016 election, for the Democrats. It will make no difference on the billions of dollars it will cost the American tax payers. It made no difference on the latest illegals he let come across the borders a few months ago. Children – unaccompanied by their parents, carrying all kind of illnesses – assimilating them into our society and our schools.
Obama had nothing to say for Sgt. Tahmooressi, who endured this unthinkable torture. He made no attempt to free him. Not one word was said in his defense. Obama’s view of what is right and wrong is totally distorted. There should be total outrage for his policies he will put into action. He must be stopped. Every freedom loving American should voice their outrage against his executive privilege.