Victoria’s Secret was under intense scrutiny last month for one of their push-up bra campaigns that sparked outrage among three young women from the United Kingdom.
The girls, Frances Black, Gabriella Kountourides, and Laura Ferris, were reportedly strolling in a mall in October when they noticed a poster of three tall and thin supermodels with the words “The Perfect Body” placed beneath them.
Disappointed in what they saw, the girls started an online petition asking that the famous lingerie brand apologize for and amend their campaign.
“We would like Victoria’s Secret to apologize and take responsibility for the unhealthy and damaging message that their ‘Perfect Body’ campaign sends out about women’s bodies and how they should be judged,” the petition read.
The petition has garnered widespread media attention, reaching 25,000 signatures as of Nov. 5, and inspired the hashtag “#iamperfect” on Twitter. Social media has become a war zone, while the lingerie company continues to catch backlash for their bra line.
Ten women of different ethnicities and proportions responded to Victoria’s Secret in a unique manner when they acted as ambassadors for the clothing company Dear Kate to “reimagine” their perfect body. As Cosmopolitan said, this shows women in a much more body-positive light.
A recent update from reveals that the girls almost got their wish. Victoria’s Secret changed their campaign slogan from “The Perfect Body” to “A Body For Everybody,” but only online. Although not completely satisfied, the young women posted the updates.
Amazing news – Victoria’s Secret have changed the wording on their website from ‘The Perfect ‘Body” to ‘A Body For Every Body’. This is amazing news! We were not notified by Victoria’s Secret or the press about this, we found it out ourselves.
However the campaign is NOT over! We still want them to change all of the posters in their stores, apologize and pledge to not use such harmful marketing in the future. So let’s keep spreading the word!
Given that Body by Victoria has very discreetly altered their campaign slogan proves that Victoria does have a secret, but they’re not telling us.