Our recent documentary Rocky Mountain Heist, hosted by Michelle Malkin, is hitting the airwaves on the heels of our Wednesday premiere in the Centennial state. This film aims to expose the Left’s quiet hijacking of the once Red state of Colorado.
Rocky Mountain Heist is meant as an eye-opening experience not just for Coloradans, but all Americans, because the Liberal “Colorado Model” was made in order to be replicated across all states. It is very important that all freedom-loving Americans take to heart the message in Rocky Mountain Heist that if these divisive millionaire and billionaire liberals are not stopped, our country as we know it could be “fundamentally transformed.”
The liberal elitist “Gang of Four,” who took over Colorado politics, essentially took away the freedoms and rights of the citizens of Colorado and implemented laws and regulations pushing their own agenda. Rocky Mountain Heist was produced in order to inform the masses in Colorado that it is essential they take their state back from these elitists and return control to the people.
The importance of reestablishing citizen’s control cannot be overstated. The current Colorado Model of politics is fundamentally what Obama fantasizes every state in America will one day look like: a government of epic proportions which unilaterally makes all laws and regulations and has every individual completely reliant on it. This prospect is frightening, and it is why we must learn our lesson from what has occurred in Colorado.
You can watch the film in its entirety at NewsMax.com as well as on NewsMax TV. Please visit http://rockymountainheist.com/ to learn more about the film, purchase the DVD and check out the TV-viewing schedule for this weekend.