After being called out for using the October 22 terror attack on Canada as an opportunity to bash America on Twitter, super model Chrissy Teigen is leaving Twitter for Instagram to escape criticism.

It all started while the police response to the terror attack was still ongoing, and Teigen tweeted, “Active shooting in Canada, or as we call it in america, wednesday.” 

The response to Teigen’s tweet was swift and relentless, and she tried to diffuse the outrage by explaining that she was knocking America, not Canada. She tweeted: “Sorry you don’t understand that is a knock at america and our issues with gun control. No one is minimizing the Ottawa shooting.”

As the outrage continued, Teigen made clear she would not recant her tweets nor would she apologize. 

So the response to Teigen’s America-bashing tweets kept coming. And at 8:52 a.m. on October 23–almost 24 hours to the minute after she posted her original tweet bashing America during the Canadian terror attack–Teigen said she was picking up her toys and going home. She tweeted: “I feel sick. Bye Twitter. Taking my talents to instagram.”

After Teigen announced her departure from the social media platform, @aidansdaddy619 sent a tweet summing things up for the super model: “Twitter is a double edged sword. You can tweet jokes that aren’t jokes and other people can tweet what they want as well.” 

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