Gun-toting action hero Liam Neeson–star of Taken and Non-Stop–says Britain did things right by banning handguns, and he “is totally for gun control in the US.”

Speaking to The Independent, Neeson said, “The population of America is roughly 300 million, and there are 300 million guns in [America], which is terrifying.” He said we see “some kid running rampant in a school… every day,” and the “gun lobby” responds by pushing for teachers to be armed in order to protect kids. 

Neeson described this as “crazy.”

He said Britain deserves praise for going the other direction–instead of arming teachers, they banned handguns altogether. Said Neeson, “I’ll give Britain its dues, when they had the Dunblane massacre in Scotland, within 24 hours the gun laws were changed so you could not have a handgun.”

It should be noted that Neeson is a little low on his estimation that there are 300 million guns in the U.S., the actual number well exceeds 310 million. But as Breitbart News reported in December, 2013, a Congressional Research Service report shows that “firearm-related murder and non-negligent homicide” have plummeted as gun ownership increased. 

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