The FOX reboot of the classic science series Cosmos earned hearty ratings last month for its debut, in part thanks to being aired on a multitude of channels.
Now, as the weeks progress, those ratings continue to shrink. Last night’s new episode found the show’s numbers tumbling a shocking 20 percent.
Could it be the anti-religion bent of that premiere episode? Or perhaps the unpopular politician who opened the reboot?
The show, which began with an introduction by President Barack Obama, quickly alienated some viewers with its programming choices. Two major outlets not known for their pro-religion bias took Cosmos to task for its debut episode exploring Giordano Bruno and his ties to the Church.
The left-wing Slate, of all places, detailed the six facts “Cosmos” got wrong about Bruno and his supposed persecution at the hands of the Catholic Church.
Discover Magazine slammed the series’ depiction of Giordano Bruno, a mystic and heretic, calling its presentation “misleading and in some ways downright wrong.”