1. Between Two Ferns and a Big Fat Fail

My takeaways from President Obama’s appearance with Zack Galifi-what’s-his-name on Funny or Die’s “Between Two Ferns” had nothing to do with the dignity of the office or anything like that.  I thought Obama did fine. He kept his dignity and the script was funny. It’s a whole new world. I get that.

What does bother me is that America’s mainstream comics are now bitches for The Establishment, just like the media. That is not healthy for liberty, democracy, or America.

Obama’s appearance was a dud, though. The Weekly Standard‘s John McCormack was on a conference call with the Department of Health and Human Services and they admitted that only 19,000 people clicked over to the ObamaCare website after watching the Funny or Die video. Millions watched that video.

The worse news for the Administration is that with only 19,000 referrals, for a while, the Funny or Die video was the biggest traffic driver to Healthcare.gov. That’s a mighty low bar.


2. Jason Sudeikis stepping in for Chevy Chase in long-delayed ‘Fletch Won’

The fact that it has been — brace yourselves — almost 30 years since Chevy Chase knocked it out of the park in 1985’s “Fletch” is a big plus for the remake. No one could assume that role in the shadow of Chase’s genius. But now that a couple of generations have passed, Sudeikis at least has a chance to make the role his own. For those of us of a certain age, though, Chase will always be Fletch.

I know he’s a jerk and a Democrat and made a lot of really bad movies and failed on late night, but look at Chase’s resume: Foul Play, Caddy Shack, Seems Like Old Times, the Vacation franchise, Fletch, Spies Like Us, Three Amigos… For about ten years there (and one brilliant season on Saturday Night Live) Chase was a god.


3. Chris Pine Arrested for Drunk Driving in New Zealand

Sometimes these are just a one-off; you drink a bit too much, eat too little, it happens to the best of us. With an actor, though, especially a young guy like Chris Pine (he’s 33), it can mean something much bigger.

Hope not.


4. Daily Beast: Is ‘Frozen’ The Gayest Movie of the Year?

The Daily Beast starts off mocking those who see pro-gay propaganda in the Disney hit “Frozen,” but then admits

Disney has a long history of fielding accusations of using its children’s movies to advance one liberal agenda or another –whether it’s gay rights, environmentalism or socialism. However, there seems to be something about Frozen that has attracted more than the usual amount of controversy for a kids’ cartoon.

Looks like I need to see what’s up with “Frozen.”


5.  Cate Blanchett Was Right – Women Making Little-to-No Progress in Landing Major Movie Roles

The Wrap reports that “females comprised only 15 percent of protagonists and 29 percent of major characters in 2013’s highest grossing films.”

Try to imagine a scenario where Hollywood applies its own politics to its own industry: Tax increases, affirmative action, wealth redistribution, racial and gender quotas…

The entertainment industry would collapse.


Quick Hits

India Box Office Grows 10 Percent in 2013

Cultural Ties With Russia Are Severed Over Ukrainian Crisis

Mark Hamill mocked for Obamacare-pimping

Variety Pans ‘Muppets Most Wanted’

Hogan’s Heroes Star Cynthia Lynn Dies at 76


Send tips, requests to jnolte@breitbart.com

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