Toby Keith Was For Guns Before He Was Against Them

Toby Keith Was For Guns Before He Was Against Them

Amid the outrage sparked by the ban on guns at Toby Keith’s I Love This Bar and Grill in Woodbridge, VA, it’s worth noting the country star was for guns before he was against them.

Here’s how it looks on paper:

In 2003, the NRA was proud to announce that “country superstar Toby Keith” was playing at their 132nd Annual Meetings & Exhibits in Orlando, Florida. According to Mail Online, Keith performed in Florida to honor then-NRA president Charlton Heston.

In 2010, Keith’s big song was Bullets in the Gun. The video to the song romanticizes carrying a gun.

In 2011, Keith talked openly about his support for the carrying of guns for self defense. John Lott posted Keith’s words for readers:

I’m all about good people, licensed and trained, carrying a concealed weapon. The bad guys are always gonna be carrying guns. There are so many guns in the U.S and so many bad people that do harm with ’em. If one percent of non-felons would go get their concealed weapons license and carry a gun where they can, one percent puts you in a pretty good position of being somebody that could save a bunch of people’s lives.

But on Dec. 27, 2013, Breitbart News reported that Keith’s new restaurant has these words affixed to the front window: “No Guns Permitted.” This, although laws in Virginia allow concealed carry permit holders to carry a gun in a bar and grill as long as the permit holder does not drink alcohol in the establishment.

In other words, all the “non-felons” with concealed carry permits who “could save a bunch of people’s lives” won’t be able to save those lives at Keith’s bar and grill.

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