Paul Walker: Hollywood's Actor, America's Patriot

Paul Walker: Hollywood's Actor, America's Patriot

Following the November 30 death of Fast & Furious star Paul Walker stories poured in about what a great person he was both behind and in front of the camera. One such story remembered the time Walker bought a wedding ring for an Iraqi veteran who could not afford the ring himself.  

According to CBS Local, “several years ago” during Christmas season Walker was in a Santa Barbara jewelry store when an Iraqi veteran and his fiancee came into the store. The veteran had finished one tour of duty and wanted to buy an engagement ring before another upcoming deployment. 

When the veteran’s fiancee saw the ring she wanted, the veteran said, “Honey, I cannot afford that.” The ring was $10,000.

Walker overheard this and quietly told the store manager to put the ring on his “tab.” He did this without calling attention to himself and asked that the veteran simply be told it was an anonymous gift. 

While Hollywood lost an actor, it sounds like America lost a patriot. 

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