Sadly, Sensei’s call streak ended at 11 straight weeks last week. This weekend, a new one begins.

Sensei’s weekend predictions and revenue results go as follows:

1. “The Conjuring” ($35 million) -Apparently since everyone and their Grandma is releasing a new filmthis week, tough to find the one that will break out. Go with this onewhich looks like another strong The Purge-like opening. Unlike The Purge though, this one stands to build better box office legs and finish as another summer sleeper (joining Now You See Me).

2. “Red 2” ($25 million) -Who says older demographics don’t sell? Again, Hollywood will discoverthat despite this film’s demographics leaning older, this action comedyfranchise will open very well. Depending on audience buzz, look forstrong results to continue in future weeks.

3. “Turbo” ($23 million) – A sub-par opening. Film will join Epicin being another summer animation genre under-performer. Film’s conceptis clever, there’s just too many new films opening at once. This, andthe strong Despicable Me 2, will steal away audiences.

4. “Despicable Me 2” ($22 million) – Film is, literally, in a box office horse race with Man Of Steel for the Summer’s #2 domestic box office title. Still, tough to bet against Superman at this point.

5. “Grown Ups 2” ($19 million) – Thecritics gave the film very negative reviews, and again saw Adam Sandlerand company post a strong opening. The problem with the critics andfilms like these is they fail to realize that certain films attractaudiences simply for their experience. They’re not meant to beover-loaded with drama and subtext. Look for another strong weekend forthis comedy sequel.

In other calls:

Look for R.I.P.D to flop with around an $11 million opening. Pacific Rim should do nicely in its second weekend with around $18 million.

That’s Sensei’s calls. Enjoy the weekend.