Sensei’s call streak improved last week. This weekend, get ready for a fun showdown.
Sensei’s weekend predictions and revenue results go as follows:
1. “Fast & Furious 6” ($44 million) (Fri-Mon) – With such vast demographics appeal at its disposal, this one is set to repeat. Fast Five ran into Thor its second weekend, After Earth will not be as strong an obstacle in its box office path.
2. “After Earth” ($38 million) – Filmhas Summer powerhouse Will Smith, but he’s not the lead (his son Jadenis) and dark, dreary sci-fi isn’t known for big Summer openings. Becauseof these reasons, look for an Oblivion-like opening.
3. “Now You See Me” ($27 million) – A true wild card. This one has very positive audience buzz and could be a sleeper hit. The Ocean’s Eleven meets magicians appeal will work very well in its favor.
4. “Epic” ($18.3 million) – A solid second weekend, but the film’s large production costs sitll looms over this one.
5. “Star Trek Into Darkness” ($17.9 million) – Film has managed to disappoint both Star Trekfans and general audiences. The film’s over-preachy plot and unevencharacters ensures it will struggle to even meet the original Star Trek’s gross. Film will easily go down as one of the biggest misses of the year.
That’s Sensei’s calls. Enjoy the weekend.