Olivia Wilde Blames America for Creating Terrorists, Uses Boston Bombing to Push Gun Control

Olivia Wilde Blames America for Creating Terrorists, Uses Boston Bombing to Push Gun Control

Liberals are spinning the growing body of evidence that the two suspects in the Boston Marathon terrorist bombings were likely motivated by radical Islamic beliefs.

Case in point: The Incredible Burt Wonderstone star Olivia Wilde, who unleashed a tweet this weekend that tried to distract Americans from that probability. She also shamefully used the terrorist attack as a cudgel against gun control critics.

First up–Wilde blames America for creating terrorists using a week-old op-ed about hunger strikes at Guantanamo Bay prison.

Olivia Wilde tweets terrorists

Wilde offers no criticism of President Barack Obama, who promised to shut Guantanamo Bay down five years ago and has failed to stay true to his word.

Next, Wilde attempts to connect the Boston tragedy to gun control, politicizing a nightmare that has otherwise unified Americans in many wonderful ways.

Wilde tweets guns

Like President Obama, Wilde will not let a crisis go to waste to further her progressive causes.


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