When director Brett Ratner let loose with a gay slur he lost a coveted shot producing the Oscars and entered GLAAD’s “re-education” program to atone for his sin.

Seinfeld icon Michael Richards suffered a career body blow when he shouted the “N-word” in a comedy club.

Grey’s Anatomy star Isaiah Washington eventually lost his job after using a gay slur on the set of his hit drama.

Comedian Tracy Morgan also underwent social reprogramming after a hostile routine involving his son’s sexual preference.

So what will happen to Alec Baldwin after a New York Post photographer claimed the 30 Rock star targeted him with a series of nasty, racially charged comments?

Anyone want to bet against “nothing?” Didn’t think so.

Baldwin is one of the Left’s biggest stars, a celebrity who gleefully trashed Andrew Breitbart as a “festering boil on the anus of public discourse” and publicly mulls elected office every few months to the oohs and ahhs of his liberal fan base. He’s done enough in the public space to warrant plenty of shame, from that leaked voice message to his then-preteen daughter to his violent outburst aboard an American Airlines plane.

No matter. He is inoculated against almost any offense due to his political positions, and he will likely emerge from this latest incident, ugly even by his standards, without suffering the fate of his peers.