The new eco-thriller “The Bay” is hitting the sweet spot for many film critics, a group traditionally averse to horror content. Could it be that the film’s pro-environment theme is softening their stance?

The movie currently boasts a strong 76 percent “fresh” rating over at, a pretty high mark for the low-budget film directed by Barry Levinson (“Diner,” “Good Morning, Vietnam”).

Audiences, however, are avoiding the film like an infected body of water.

Barry Levinson’s Toronto pick-up “The Bay” took in just $21,400 from 23 screens, a weak $930 per-screen average for the Roadside Attractions release.

The numbers are all the more depressing given the sterling box office figures for most found-footage horror movies (“The Blair Witch Project,” The “Paranormal Activity” series), and the presence of the oft-brilliant Levinson behind the camera.