Sensei carries on with another current call streak. This week marks the return of one of horror’s most successful franchises, as well as a remembrance for an old friend.
This weekend’s predictions and revenue results go as follows:
1. “Paranormal Activity 4″ ($42 million) – The “Paranormal” films have a history of beating box office projections during their opening weekends. Look for their latest installment to do the same. The timing couldn’t be better for this film as it sets up nicely for Halloween audiences.
2. “Alex Cross” ($19 million) – Who else has a history of beating office projections? That would be Tyler Perry. Film is a more gritty cop drama, marking a departure from his usual film fare. Nevertheless, the audience will remain loyal and consistent.
3. “Argo” ($13 million) – Film has tremendous positive buzz surrounding it. Its timing in the current political cycle will again help it to another strong finish.
4. “Hotel Transylvania” ($12 million) – Fast becoming one of Fall’s biggest blockbusters.
5. “Taken 2″ ($11 million) – Results are very positive on this action sequel – expect work on a “Taken 3” to begin immediately. Maybe they can steal Liam Neeson’s dog in the next one?
In other calls:
“Hating Breitbart” will post a very healthy documentary opening off its limited release. Sensei feels it will be in the $40,000 range, but easily could go higher. A fine success and tribute to Mr. Breitbart, someone Sensei still misses very much.
Have a great weekend.
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