Andrew Breitbart didn’t refrain from using colorful language to hammer home a point.

A new documentary capturing the last few years in the life of the late Happy Warrior is being delayed a week for that very reason.

The MPAA has slapped “Hating Breitbart” with an R rating for language concerns, and now the film will hit select theaters Oct. 19, not this Friday as originally planned.

The film, which follows Breitbart from the dawn of the Tea Party movement up until his death in March, is being resubmitted to the ratings board to see if it can earn a PG:13, which generally helps films at the box office.

“I have gone as far as I can go cleaning up the language and keeping the film true to the character of Andrew Breitbart. It is reasonable to hope the MPAA will change our rating,” “Hating Breitbart” director Andrew Marcus said in a statement.

“We now have four uses of language, down from nine. I am in a difficult position as a filmmaker. I understand the MPAA’s process and believe that it is better to have a private entity assessing these decisions rather than having it decreed by an arm of the government. We have worked hard to address their concerns.”

The film will be opening in New York, Washington, St. Louis and Dallas, with theater specifics to be announced shortly on the film’s official web site.