A near three-minute clip was released from “Atlas Shrugged: Part II” earlier this week to accompany the world premiere of the film. Randians are sure to be excited by this first look as much of the dialogue is lifted straight from the novel, and Jason Beghe’s performance as Hank Rearden is pitch perfect. He makes the dialogue come alive.

What could account for all these positives? Beghe is giving a more gruff and less refined approach as Hank Rearden than Grant Bowler’s work in the first film (though it was still a good performance). Hearing Beghe question a government’s minion with the words of Ayn Rand and listening to the crackle of sparks flying and of working men shovel coal and working machinery in the bowels of Rearden Metal make those pages from the book come alive.

What do you think readers and Randians alike? Have producers John Aglialoro and Harmon Kaslow pulled it off? They replaced the entire cast and have doubled down their investment ($20 million this time). Was it all worth it?