Last weekend saw another Sensei call streak reach double digits. Making a habit of this.
This weekend’s predictions and revenue results go as follows.
1. “Finding Nemo 3D” ($28 million) – ‘Resident Evil:Retribution’ will open strong on Friday, but ‘Nemo’ will get asignificant boost from family audiences to win the rest of the weekend. Film boasts some of the same appeal that made ‘Lion King 3D’ a hit – enough time has passed for previous generations to bring in currentones to enjoy the 3D conversion.
2. “Resident Evil: Retribution” ($22 million) – Noworries. This latest “Evil” entry will open in line withprevious entries and again power ahead one of Hollywood’s mostsuccessful franchises. This action film series deserves immense creditfor sticking with its audience and ignoring “political sucker punches,”and “progressive commentary” we saw so often in previous (and now boxoffice defunct) industry action films.
3. “The Possession” ($5 million) – Most horror fans will flock to ‘Resident Evil,’ not leaving this film much to work with.
4. “Lawless” ($3.8 million) – The old school feel serves this film well on such a weekend. Not a bad drop from the previous weekend.
5. “Last Ounce of Courage” ($3.4 million) – Calling therise of ‘2016: Obama’s America’ was a solid prediction. Look for anothergreat start for distributor Rocky Mountain Pictures. Despite the low screen count (1,400+ screens), film has perfecttiming in taking advantage of ‘2016’s’ established audience.Flocks of potential new audience members joining the multiplex asopposed to losing them? Yes, the industry should be paying attentionhere.
That’s the word from Sensei. Enjoy the weekend.
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