How many tweets about the anuses of conservative women does it take to get fired from Nickelodeon? More than two, apparently.

Yesterday, Breitbart Managing Editor Alexander Marlow emailed West Coast Vice President of Nickelodeon Ariana Urbont about Jason Biggs, star of Nickelodeon’s reboot of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turles. Biggs recently tweeted repeatedly about the anuses of the wives of Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan. Nickelodeon then directed viewers to Biggs’ Twitter feed.

Today, Urbont responded by standing foursquare behind Biggs:

The offensive comments made by Jason Biggs last week on his personal twitter account do not reflect our company’s views or values, and we condemn them. Nickelodeon does not support or condone the use of graphic or vulgar language on any of our platforms. It was our mistake to link from our Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles twitter feed to Jason’s personal twitter account, and we quickly corrected our error.  We also insisted Jason use better judgment and discretion in public communications while affiliated with our brand.

This is not exactly a comforting thought for parents. Biggs remains the face of the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, though his offensive comments on Twitter – and link with Nickelodeon while making them – should be unacceptable. For Nickelodeon to continue supporting Biggs, even if they stop linking to his Twitter feed, is indecent. 

Imagine if Biggs had tweeted about the “bleached asshole” of Michelle Obama. Would Nickelodeon think twice about firing him? Of course not. But when it’s Republicans being slandered – or Republican wives – Nickelodeon and Viacom (its parent company) seem to have no problem.

Feel free to email Urbont yourself at to let her know that you and your children will not be watching Nickelodeon until Biggs finds a new channel with which to associate.