Billy Corgan: Where's Obama's 'Moral Compass?'

Billy Corgan: Where's Obama's 'Moral Compass?'

Billy Corgan is pretty depressed about the direction the Obama administration is headed.

The Smashing Pumpkins’ lead singer chatted with the low-rated Piers Morgan on CNN last night about the musician’s frustration with the real President Barack Obama versus the campaign model.

Suffice to say Corgan isn’t happy with the last three-plus years of America’s political leadership.

Asked if he’s “an Obama man at heart,” Corgan emphatically replied, “No.””Moral compass,” the musician said when describing what he looks for in a leader. “And that’s where I’m disappointed in the president, is he ran on a moral compass agenda. But, what happened? I’m sure there’s lots of good reasons, and I’m sure they’ll roll somebody out to counter thoughts like that. But I don’t see it.”


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