So many celebrities for President Barack Obama to visit … and so little time between now and Election Day.

So the Obama campaign wants you to help the Commander-in-Chief decide which lucky star will rub elbows with him, according to The Hollywood Reporter:

Hard on the heels of the wildly successful online lotteries that allowed ordinary Obama backers to win the opportunity to dine with the chief executive and George Clooney at his Laurel Canyon pad or Sarah Jessica Parker and Vogue’s Anna Wintour at the actress’ Manhattan home, the fundraisers have added a new twist to the “Dinner With Barack” series.

This time around, a suggested donation of $3 not only gives you a chance to bring a guest of your choice to dinner with Obama, but also the opportunity to “weigh in on who you think should join President Obama.” (The date and place for the dinner have yet to be determined.)

It remains to be seen how the voting public will take to this latest fundraising gambit by the administration. The jobs outlook isn’t getting any rosier, and even left-leaning media watcher Howard Kurtz suspects this message is the wrong one to send to undecided voters.

“It certainly helps him raise money … I think there’s too much emphasis on it. You only get to drive one message during the static that surrounds the presidential campaign. If that message is about Sarah Jessica Parker and George Clooney, then he’s not talking about how he’s going to fix the economy, which of course is probably the main issue.”